Summer Rest and Restoration: Why Now is A Good Time for Dental Implants

July 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dfwdental @ 7:00 pm
Older woman sitting on a bench having a great time in the sun

You’ve heard of rest and relaxation, but what about rest and restoration? Summer is a good time for folks to sit on their laurels and treat themselves to a well-deserved vacation. However, the warm sun and lax schedules also make it the perfect season for rejuvenating dental treatments. Something as transformative as dental implants could make you feel like a whole new person!

If you’d like to rest and initiate a refreshing change, keep reading. Here’s why starting a dental implant treatment fits right in with the spirit of summer.

Set Yourself Up for Renewed Confidence

Having gaps in your smile can take a toll on your mental health. Even if you do have an existing restoration like dentures, you might be frustrated with slippage or diet constraints.

Dental implants mimic natural teeth the most. Advanced materials make them look lifelike, and smart design gives them superior stability and strength. With their 98% success rate, you can settle into your favorite lawn chair, reassured that your new teeth will allow you to eat, talk, and smile with confidence!

Soak Up Beneficial Vitamin D

Did you know that direct sunlight is the best source of vitamin D? Soaking up some rays for just 15 minutes a day is enough to get a full dose! But how does that benefit your dental implant treatment?

Dental implants, much like natural teeth, rely on your jawbone to stay in place. Plus, after your placement, your mouth will need time to heal. Well, vitamin D promotes strong, healthy bones and gives your immune system a boost. That means you can support your jawbone and gums from the comfort of your beach towel. Now that’s how you rest and restore!  

Time Your Insurance Just Right

If you plan to pay for your dental implants with dental insurance, it’s important to time your treatment in a way that provides you with the most coverage. Most unused dental insurance benefits don’t carry over into the next year. This can present scheduling challenges, but getting started in the summer actually takes advantage of this.

Since it’s a lengthier treatment, you’ll likely have to schedule some of your follow-ups in the new year. However, that also means you can use your current coverage before your benefits expire, and have your follow-ups covered by the new-year refresh. Smart, huh?

Planning the perfect dental implant treatment process can be tricky, especially if you need to factor in dental insurance benefits. Fortunately, your oral health team can help you out! Even if you’re confident that summer is your time to rest and restore, give your dentist a call. With their assistance, your tooth replacement should be a breeze.

About the Practice

Our team at Huckabee Dental provides comfortable, quality treatments for our patients. We’re proud to have several dental implant specialists onboard, so that patients interested in this life-changing restoration can undergo complete or partial replacements under one roof. If you have questions about dental implants, they’d be happy to meet with you to discuss the details! To contact our office, call 817-329-4746.

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