Children’s Dentistry – Southlake, TX
Helping Growing
Smiles Thrive
We aim to help every child who visits us have a positive, enjoyable experience. We never push boundaries or give children a reason to fear the dental office, because we don’t want them to feel hesitant about coming back or keeping up with their oral health and hygiene. We offer several different kid-friendly dental treatments to keep their smiles healthy and happy and look forward to teaching them how to properly brush and floss during their visits!
Dental Checkups &
Teeth Cleanings for Kids
As soon as your child turns one, or whenever their first tooth grows in, they’ll need to begin visiting the dentist every six months for checkups and cleanings. Over the years, our team will familiarize them with the dental office and make it feel like a second home so they aren’t hesitant about visiting. We’ll routinely and thoroughly examine their mouth in search of common signs of oral health problems and make sure that early issues get treated before they have a chance to cause any serious oral damage.
Silver Diamine
Silver diamine fluoride (SDF) is an FDA-approved treatment to cure and prevent dental decay. If your little one has a cavity, we clear out any debris from within the tooth and paint the SDF onto the affected area. It will stop the decay using the antibacterial properties of silver and prevent additional cavities from forming on the already-affected tooth using fluoride. The treatment itself is pain-free and non-invasive, so your little one won’t need to fret.